Tuesday, February 20

Test from Treo


Happy Chinese New Year! I like the look of the boar year, it could be a pretty good one. http://www.theholidayspot.com/chinese_new_year/more_zodiacs/boar.htm - A year of goodwill to all. An excellent climate for business, and industry in general will prevail. I hope so. Since I will be involuntary changing companies this year, I'm all over anything that is positive towards business. Also after a negative end to the last year I also want to believe that everyone will be safer, healthier and happier this year.

Last week I played my first game of Wii bowling...I sucked! However, when we moved on to golf, I faired a lot better - I'm sure it has something to do with those golf lessons from my Dad when I was 12. I ended up just one over par and it made me want to go out and pay the real game. It probably won't happen, there is more of a chance that I'll buy a Wii...if they ever become available to mere mortals like myself.

I love Bill Maher!!!!! It was a joy on Saturday morning to scroll through Tivo and see his show listed and ready for me to view. I love the guy!