Tal Ronnen's wonderful book "The Conscious Cook" has both captivated and inspired me these past few months. I have learned so much about cashews, almonds and vegan cooking, so today I thought it would be a good time to share one of my Tal Ronnen-inspired recipes.
Creamy Cashew Dip - perfect for vegans, the lactose-intolerant, those wishing to avoid cholesterol and all of us who love good healthy food. It is also raw, GF and extremely yummy!
- 2 cups of cashews (try and use whole nuts, broken ones work okay)
- 1 tsp probiotic powder (Tal suggests New Chapter All-Flora)
- 1 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes (I'm always generous with this and the onion powder)
- 1 tbsp onion powder
- 1 tsp garlic salt or sea salt (your preference - I'm a Celtic salt lover, but I really think the hint of garlic is a nice addition to the dip flavor)
- Freshly grated nutmeg (you might not think you can taste it, but you'll miss it if it's not there)
- 0.5 tsp pepper (black or white, your preference)
- Soak cashews in filtered water in the fridge overnight
- Next day, rinse and drain nuts and add to a food processor with 1 cup of fresh water
- Mix nuts for several minutes into a smooth creamy consistency
- Mix the probiotic powder with a tbsp of water and add to creamed nuts
- Leave the mixture at room temperature overnight (I leave it in the Cuisinart on the kitchen counter)
- Next day add nutritional yeast, onion powder, garlic salt, nutmeg, pepper and mix well in the processor.
- Leave for 30mins to let the flavors fully meld together before serving
- Serve dip with chips, fresh veggies, spread on bagels or use as a garnish on a bowl of veggie chili or lentil soup
WARNING: This dip can become addictive, please use caution.