Wednesday, February 26

So, I average between 3 and 4 miles a day just doing my usual work. If I walk to the post office and to the store for milk I can do over 5 miles - that's a decent goal for the summer. Recently the weather has been very cold, so I haven't been doing much walking; I'm waiting for the temperatures to go above freezing. Call me a wuss, I just don't like walking in the cold!

Thursday, February 20

I bought a couple of pedometers off the Internet earlier in the week and they arrived yesterday. They are rather cool as they measure steps, distance traveled and calories burned. My mother was a nurse and always claimed that nurses walked an average of 5 miles a day. Since I have a desk job I wondered, in comparison, how far I walk a day. I have been awake for an hour and have done 641 steps = 0.25 of a mile. I think I probably do a little more than most as I prefer to walk to someone's desk rather than call them. Also, around 3pm I usually fidget and have to move to get the blood flowing to my brain!
My goal is to walk 5 miles a day.

Tuesday, February 18

Yesterday, the company I work for had the afternoon off to go to the movies. The first plan was to see About Schmidt, which I was vaguely interested in seeing. Then, someone complained and the decision was made that we were going to see Shanghai Knights, a film that I was not even remotely interested in. Finally, enough people complained and the group was split between Shanghai Knights and Daredevil a movie I could tolerate. I'm not really in to J.Lo's boyfriend and the violence was quite shocking -- I must be getting old.

Monday, February 17

Whooph! What a weekend.

On Saturday I met a group of people I used to work with. It was a "sign-of the times" meeting. We all used to work for an ISP that is now no longer with us. Even when we worked there we knew management didn't #1. understand the technology and #2. didn't know how to run a business if their life depended on it. It was the usual thing, all the good people got fired and the so-called experts brought in to save the company didn't understand the business well enough to know who the customers were and how to best serve them. Our group was part of hosting, Web development and maintenance and we were all casualties of the bust. Many of the group were still unemployed and of those with jobs most were in a totally different field (retail, teaching or back in school). People with good jobs had moved out of state. It made me very thankful that I am in roughly the same multimedia position.

Friday, February 14

Another Hallmark day.

I think this day should become
Heart Health day
where you wish your loved ones good health and learn CPR. Money would be spent on fighting heart disease and stroke research. You could still go out for a romantic dinner, but the restaurants would have heart-healthy meals and people would exercise instead of eating chocolate.

May be I'll just do that anyway

Monday, February 10

I'm reading a book by Sylvia Browne about contacting your spiritual guide. The book also has a spirit guide meditation CD which I haven't tried yet. I am almost half way through the book and I would love to hear or feel something. Sometimes I think I see something out of the corner of my eye, but when I look again there is nothing there. I am up to the point in the book where she talks about the name of your spirit guide -- I think mine is called James, but I'm not sure. My husband doesn't believe in what I'm reading, but he's being very open-minded and hasn't teased me yet.

Friday, February 7

So much for the calming Ram, I had a terrible shock last night, I couldn't find the key to my safety deposit box. I put all my important documents like passport, SS card and green card in there. I spent most of the evening looking in my secret hiding places for the key. I have a couple of tins just full of keys, old padlocks, friends spare house keys, old bike lock keys, hotel keys and bits of metal and screws that I have no idea what they're for. I probably have the keys to every car I have ever owned, plus some rentals (ops!). After a couple of hours of looking I wondered how I would get the secure and fireproof thing opened; may be a sawsall or ask a friend with a gun to shoot off the lock. Turns out the husband had a spare - I'm not a total ditz! Okay I'm a half ditz 'cause I lost my very important key in the first place, but I was intelligent enough to give him a spare for safe keeping! So, after panicking all evening, drinking half a bottle of Cotes du Rhone and wading through a squillion bits of metal I got my green card -- it expires this year!!!

So, the burning question renew, or get citizenship???

Thursday, February 6

Ah, the year of the Ram, I can almost feel the calming effects already. The Ram is very compatible with a Rabbit like myself

We got snow again last night, I had to use 4-wheel drive to get into work today - yeehaa! I love my Pathfinder.
It's rediculously cold too, minus 11 degrees C is going to be the day's high temperature. I just don't understand the manics who I saw cycling to work this morning; there's fanatics and then there's idiots.