Thursday, October 30

Tiggy Died Today

My cat died today, he was 16 years old.
I will miss him.

Saturday, October 25


Took my cat to the vets yesterday. He has renal failure and probably won't last the year. This will make 2003 the loss and death year. I hope 2004 is healthier.

Monday, October 6

7 Years

Friday will be 7 years since my mother died. Tomorrow would have been her birthday. With the death of a friend, friend's parents, in-laws and kids recently, I can't help but grieve more this year. I would have thought that by now I would have had the strength to do The Race for the Cure - I don't. I'm not strong like people I know, who can do things in a lost one's name, and be brave through it all. I try so hard, but I know the minute I saw all the banners, survivors and people running in memory I would crumble into a weeping heap.

So, this year I will do what I have done in past years since my mothers death. I will not speak of my loss, I will not tell workmates. I will not surround myself with people who are involved in the disease that killed my mother. I will think of her in my own time. I will do it my way.