Friday, June 4


So the S.O. came down with Strep last week, probably got it from the kids he teaches. The doctor said I should just go and get antibiotics immediately. Well, I have a problem with that. 1. I hadn't actually got a sore throat, and 2. That's the kind of stuff that breeds resistance. So, this week I decided that I was not going to get Strep throat if it killed me (so to speak). I did the garlic and honey diet to fend off nasty bacteria. Honey is not much of a problem; the fact it is metabolized directly to fat is not good, but it's not unsociable - garlic, however is. I am told I have been extremely unsociable the last two days. I cannot smell a thing, but I have slept incredibly well on my own the last two nights, even the cats stayed away from me. I think today I will try and find some of that garlic that is not supposed to smell, staying away from people is difficult.

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