Monday, July 11

The MS150 was fun this year...I little hot, but that's always my complaint. I did the MS104.

The first day was very hilly but not ridiculous. We started at 6:30am and I stopped at 53 miles because it was over 90 degrees and I was just too hot. I really wasn't rediculosly tired, I think if it had been just a little cooler I could have gone on, but over 90, almost 8000 feet and it was 1:30pm - I called it a day. The views were really nice and it was a fun day to see how well the old body coped with the climbing :-)

Day two was really windy and seemed to be uphill all the way when in fact it was a decent into Canon City, there were some fun downhills and the scenery was really nice again. We could see the fires in the distance and the big smoke cloud that got bigger and bigger as the day went on. Sunday seemed to be a much hotter day, or may be there wasn't as much shade, or we were at a lower elevation. I had planned to just ride from Colorado Springs to Canon City and not do The Gorge. The ride was against the wind the whole damn way, we were peddling in top gear, downhill and only doing about 14 mph. The last few miles were pretty bad, but I still managed to get to Canon City by noon - my plan (day time Cinderella because of the heat). I'm not sure what the actual temp was, but someone said the forecast for Pueblo was 100 degrees, and I don't think we were too far off that.

I'm happy with my 104 mile cycling weekend, I feel very fit and I don’t look too bad either :-)

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