Thursday, August 25

I "own" my goal weight

I am at my goal weight and have been for a few weeks. I have successfully transitioned into maintenance mode. I now "own" that weight; to me that means - I consistently see that weight every morning, it's not a mistake, it's not dehydration, it's my weight! What is weird is that last year I would have killed to be this weight, now I'm used to it I wonder…would 4 lbs less look better? I certainly don't look skinny, I've only dropped one dress size, would 4 lbs get me another dress size? Yesterday I checked my BMI and it was 22.3, that is right in the middle of the acceptable range, what shocked me was that if I lost 10 lbs I'd still be in the range. I think 10 lbs would be too much, I'm sure I'd have no boobs and no butt!

I joined 24 Hour Fitness last week…I haven't used my Bally's membership in years, so it felt a little silly buying another membership. I also have a personal trainer package so it will be interesting to see what they say. Though I suspect I will have problems taking advice from a skinny person 15 years younger than me with no science or medical background. Oh, just call me old and skeptical!

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