Monday, August 25

Photos of City Park

City Park
Originally uploaded by mandymooo
I am a Flickr addict!

There, I've said it. It all started quite innocently as a place to store photos of my glass. But as the need for better quality photos emerged, my need for a better camera emerged. So I got a new camera. And then I got into Flickr groups and started posting there. Then I started paying attention to clicks and comments....more, I wanted more!!!!!

As well as glass photos I started posting images of my cats - they got more clicks and comments than the glass. Holy moly, I was on to something; post a cute cat photo and get more! I haven't found flowers or my vegetables to be that good at getting comments (not so cute), but I think I just need to find the right group to post them to.

I joined the Self Portrait Thursday group, making 2008 the most documented year of my life :-) Seriously, how many different self portraits can you take at arms length? Well, actually, it's more than you might think. I've also discovered that the less clothes or make-up I wear, the more clicks I get...go figure!

More recently I have started "trying" to take landscape photos of parks and the Denver skyline. I'm not too good, but I'm trying. And once again, I'm convinced if I had a better camera I could take a much better photo!

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