Monday, March 22

Cashew Cream has changed my life...

...and Tal Ronnen is my idol!

I was tested for Celiac disease last year, it came back negative, but I still try and avoid wheat and gluten.  If I eat gluten I can physically feel it moving through my colon - I know TMI.  It takes 3 days to clear my system and I'm not a happy camper during that time.  Okay so I'm not a Celiac, but gluten does a number on me and I feel better when I don't eat it - fine!
- No gluten

It was about the time I got my pointless negative result that I read The Omnivore's Dilemma, Food Inc. was released and various people started talking about the food we eat.  In my purse I already had my list of organic foods you must eat and the frequency I can eat certain I was a willing sponge for food details.
- No high fructose corn syrup and organic corn at all times
- No factory reared animals, organic, free range only (if at all)
- Grass fed occasionally and since I couldn't find any milk from happy cows (no, really happy cows, not the fake CA ones), I gave up cow's milk and started using almond milk.

Oh it get's worse, I am almost within 10 years of the same age my mother died of breast cancer (that was caused by Estrogen Replacement Therapy), so I'm already on the no soy and remove all endocrine disruptors  and known toxins from coming into contact with me.
- No soy, tofu or miso (that also has wheat)
- Only use creams, soaps and shampoos that are paraben free
- Did you know most antibacterial soaps and toothpastes have triclosan?

So as you can imagine I needed to find some new recipes and ideas for what I could eat.  I found two books that have helped a lot - Tal Ronnen's book The Conscious Cook and Elana Amsterdam's book The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook.

These two books have introduced me to some fantastic ingredients and they have widened my food choices.  Who would have thought that an "almost" vegan, gluten free, soy free diet would increase the diversity of food I eat.  

...more later on what recipes I have found and what I have modified!

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