Friday, April 2

Solar - It was only a matter of time

As long as I can remember I have wanted solar.  Even as a teenager when I'd never seen a real live solar panel, I knew it was a darn good thing.  There was really bad smog in London in 1952 (The Big Smoke) and there is still acid rain in Europe due to pollution from Northern European power plants that causes acidic rain to fall on Scandinavia and kills a lot of their pine trees among other things. I think most Europeans are more accepting of climate change because we have seen the affects of pollution for many years. As a kid we were always bombarded with Keep Britain Tidy signs; they are an independent organization that started adding a Tidy Man logo on all trash bins and packaging in the early 70s. This environmental group very gently brainwashed me to have an appreciation for my environment and to be totally disgusted by anything that harmed my surroundings.

Now I understand that that CO2 is harming my environment - whether you believe it is caused by man or natural - I can reduce my carbon footprint and help the cause in a small way. As a homeowner I have some control and can have solar panels put on my roof. There are tax rebates to help off-set some of the cost, it's now affordable (for some) to have photovoltaic panels installed on a south facing roof.  There are also buy-back schemes where unused energy can be sold to the local power company. Don't get me wrong, it will be a long time until we get our money back - some estimates say it could take 10 years...and as far as selling unused energy back, we calculate our 18 panels will cover 50% of our use.

Whatever, it will help reduce our carbon footprint.
Installation is scheduled for next week!!!!!

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