Tuesday, November 30

Happy St Andrew's Day

Happy St Andrew's Day - I'll be having a wee Laphroaig this evening.

It's cold and snowy outside, just like home. The house is warm and cozy...not like home :-)
I have a lot of traits from my parents. I learned a lot from them but I prefer to heat the house a little more than they did. I talked with my brother at the weekend and he takes after them, we calculated that I spend 3 to 4 times more per month on heating. I truly am a chili willy (like the Walter Lantz cartoon).

So, in my spare time I continue to melt glass...my latest creations are really cool dichroic glass earrings, the only problem is I want to keep them all. Today, I plan to check out a Coomers store and see if they have any space left so I can sell some stuff. I really need to clean out the basement...and making some money would be nice too!

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